Health and Fitness Magazine
  First Phase of Atkins Diet Menu
Author: Toni Rok

Only lately, has low carbohydrate diet grown in recognition since more and more people are aware of the dangers of obesity.

As numerous individuals had a trouble keeping with a diet low in fat, they began to search for other ways to lose fat and they discovered a excellent one in a Dr.Atkins diet.

As of late a significant amount of people with weight problem have started to use diet by Dr.Atkins, and the results that a lot of them achieved have as a consequence a high publicity.

Dr.Atkins diet nuts and bolts

The diet of Dr.Atkins is build on a suggestion of cause behind why we develop excess fat. In theory by Dr. Atkins, consuming large quantities of simple carbohydrates and sugars can cause gaining weight. The manner in which our body system treat the simple carbs that are a part of our every day diet is much more significant then the amount of calories consumed.

In his book Dr.Atkins has many references to occurrence which he calls the insulin resistance. The basis of this theory is that a lot of people with weight problem have a problem with their cells and that those cells do not perform as efficiently as they should.

When we consume too much carbohydrates and sugars, our body observes that quantities of sugar are very high. Insulin is produced by the pancreas gland as a way to accumulate sugar in a nature of glycogen. That sugar is then being stockpiled in our liver and muscles for added energy later in case we need it.

The trouble is that there is a limit to the amount of glycogen our bodies can store at once. The same moment that we reach this limit our bodies commence to store it as fat, for emergency.

Even so insulin resistant people have a even tougher time accumulating carbohydrates. As our body gets exposed to more and more insulin, it gradually becomes immune to it. Our body cells are essentially shielding them selves from being poisoned by a high insulin levels in this way. Because of that, they create more fat and smaller quantities of glycogen.

Therefore insulin resistant man and woman start put on extra weight. This happens because the carbohydrates are processed into fat and not energy. Some common side effects are increased blood sugar, low blood sugar, sleepiness, fatigue, lack of focus, bad memory, intestinal bloating and depression.

In fact insulin resistance can cause you a lot more health predicament then simply having too much weight.

Very good cure for insulin resistant people is a low carb diet. And that is the central feature of Atkins diet, limited carbs intake. So here some of the foods on restricted list: all sweets including sodas as well as some of the complex carbohydrates like bread, rice or grains.

Every so often even healthy carbohydrates like rice or whole-wheat bread can be limited.

What Dr.Atkins diet do is that it limits your every day carbohydrate consumption to 40 grams of carbohydrates daily max. The consequence that this has on your body is that it puts your body in a ketosis state.

What exactly is a ketosis? Essentially it is a situation in which your body uses fat as fuel. Another substantial ketosis end result is that it has a very strong effect on an insulin production, which puts a stop to further fat storing.

When combined this will force your body to begin burning fat as a highly efficient fuel supply and that will have as result a weight loss.

During ketosis, you will also go through much less sugar cravings. It happened to all of us, you begin eating candy bar and you just cannot stop. Over time as you consume always more of carbohydrates you carb cravings will increase.

Many individuals who have used Dr.Atkins diet have conveyed to a large extent lesser craving for consumption of carbohydrates then before the diet. Nevertheless you need to know that the primary phase of Atkins diet is fairly restricted, and very complicated for lots of people to adhere to. That is why many of them give up or do not reach good results. What you need to do is to look at it from the right perspective, Atkins diet will explain to you how to return the balance in your diet in the long run.

If you see it in this way you will surely succeed and will experience a major reduction in body fat. In due course as you progress you will again begin to reintroduce carbs to your everyday diet, the difference is you are now going to have the knowledge not to use them too much.

The original values that are the basis of Atkins diet have since been used on many new low carbohydrate diets, nevertheless the diet by Dr.Atkins was pioneer and it remains to be one of the most popular diets.

About the Author:

As weight loss professional Toni is assisting over weight individuals to yet again look and feel good. At his weight loss and fitness site you can discover lots of free Atkins diet information, weight loss advice, tips, and Atkins diet recipes.

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