Health and Fitness Magazine
  High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Author: Lac Tran

It is a modern-day disease and can be a silent killer. That is why it's necessary to keep an eye open for high blood pressure symptoms so that the condition can be treated before it gets out of hand. The primary cause of high blood pressure symptoms, or hypertension, is our fast-paced frenetic lives in industrialized environments. So how do you know when you have this condition? The very first sign of high blood pressure could be a dull pain in the head or the neck on waking up in the morning. If the condition worsens, you could experience nosebleeds, dizzy spells, breathing difficulties, frequent urination, fatigue and nervous tension. High blood pressure symptoms also worsen with age. Factors that make us more prone to high blood pressure are our genes, being overweight, lack of exercise, or in some cases kidney problems. Once these factors have loaded the gun against us, factors that can trigger off high blood pressure are smoking, alcohol, stress, and either too much sodium or too little potassium.
So what constitutes 'high' as far as hypertension is concerned? Blood pressure is measured in milligrams of mercury by an instrument called a sphygmomanometer. The first number denotes systolic pressure which is the highest pressure reached by the heart and the second is the diastolic pressure, which is the lowest pressure. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines state that blood pressure in its normal state should read 120/80 mmHg. When the pressure reads over 120/80 but less than 139/89, it is defined as being 'pre-hypertensive'. People with pre-hypertension should expect to see a few high blood pressure symptoms. Stage 1 high blood pressure is when the readings are between 140/90 and 159/99. Stage 2 is when it goes higher than 160/100, and this is when most people will begin experiencing acute high blood pressure symptoms.
Is there any treatment for high blood pressure or any proven high blood pressure remedy? Garlic has, in a number of trials, proved to be an effective remedy to ease high blood pressure symptoms. However, garlic tends to thin the blood and must be taken only for high blood pressure symptoms after consulting a qualified physician. Fish oil has also been touted as a high blood pressure treatment and studies indicate that it is probably the docohexaenoic acid, or DHA, content that stabilizes blood pressure. Sodium tends to increase high blood pressure in those prone to it so a reduction of salt in the diet usually shows positive results. This should be coupled with potassium-rich foods to see best results because the two minerals balance each other. For example, when potassium content goes down, sodium levels rise, bringing on high blood pressure symptoms. Other supplements for the treatment of high blood pressure include folic acid. Smokers who took folic acid for a few weeks saw a significant decrease in blood pressure.
There is also a large body of evidence to suggest high blood pressure can be lowered through exercise and weight loss. The trick, however, is to be moderate and not overdo either the exercise or weight loss in order to reduce high blood pressure. It also pay to be moderate in our diet to make sure high blood pressure is minimized or better still, completely eradicated..

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Mitamins team
Targeted: High Blood Pressure; Safety: Avoid Vitamins Overdose, Supplement Drug Interactions; Quality: Freshly Made with Brand Ingredients.
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